Thursday, January 12, 2006

The 3rd conference on FUTURE URBAN TRANSPORT

"Dynamics of urban transport development - what is generic and what is specific?"

April 2 - 5, 2006, Göteborg, Sweden
(Academic Workshop on April 2)

International conference for politicians, city planners, engineers, physicians and scientists to discuss and understand how we have learnt to cope with complexity as it is today, and what we can learn from this for the future development of urban transport. The conference is being organised by the Volvo Research Foundations.

Upon receiving registration and payment for the conference - we will send you a copy of the anthology "Urban Transport Development - A Complex Issue". The anthology is a condensation of the 2nd conference on Future Urban Transport, held in 2003. The total number of participants is limited to 200.

The conference web-site is now open for registration:"

Volvo Research Foundation

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