Friday, February 09, 2007

Car driving creates cancer??

This article by the BBC titled 'Car drivers 'risking skin cancer''says that drivers who spend a lot of time behind the wheel increase their risk of skin cancer, according to a US work study:

Experts say repeated sun exposure through the car's side windows is to blame, and drivers who roll down the window are at even greater risk. Most glass used for windows blocks UVB rays that cause sunburn but not deeper penetrating UVA rays.

The Saint Louis University School of Medicine team presented their work to the American Academy of Dermatology. They looked at 898 patients (559 men and 339 women) with skin cancers occurring on either side of their body.

Among the men, the rate of cancers directly correlated to the areas of the body most often exposed to UV radiation while driving - which in the US is the left-hand side of the body.

Will this affect your 'love for the road'... enough to change your habits..?

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