Monday, May 22, 2006

The LAPD gets a blog!

Yes... this is no LAPD Blues storyline - this is the beginning of the LAPD bloglines at

According to the USA Today:'Just a week old, the site makes the Los Angeles department the biggest police force in the United States — and one of the first worldwide — to blog.

So far, the "cesspool" post notwithstanding, Bratton's message and responses to it have largely been positive. The site's 24,000 visitors see announcements for department events and recycled press releases.

The point is to build public trust by improving communication — to create an online give-and-take, even when the taking smarts.

"We want to hear feedback," said Lt. Paul Vernon, who is helping to oversee "We welcome them, however serious or tongue-in-cheek they are."

Read full post here

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