Friday, May 12, 2006

Mash it up

Another contribution to the mash-up debate comes from an article in the New ScientistTech called ''Mashup' websites are a hacker's dream come true'- here the article discusses the security flaws and privacy implications of th growing number of mash-ups:

'The worry is that mashups could be an accident waiting to happen, according to some delegates at the Computer-Human Interaction conference in Montreal, Canada, last month. Hart Rossman, chief security technologist for Science Applications International of Vienna, Virginia, and adviser to the US Department of Defense, warned that developers of these websites are not taking issues such as data integrity, system security and privacy seriously enough. That matters because many millions of dollars are already being invested in some mashup sites, particularly those related to the travel market, and people are beginning to depend on these sites for everyday tasks such as avoiding traffic queues on the way to work.'

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