Tuesday, August 29, 2006

How location-based information could save your life

Security strategist W. David Stephenson often blogs about how mobile location-based technologies can assist in disaster response. In his latest post he writes on Ten 21st Century Disaster Preparation Tips the Officials Won't Tell You:

'The advent of 21st century personal communications devices and services, particularly camera phones with GPS capability, GPS devices in your car, P2P software such as mesh networking, or social networking services, mean that it's now feasible to have two-way sharing of real-time, location-based information that could save your life in a crisis.

You won't find these tips about how to capitalize on those devices and applications on Ready.gov, or other federal, state, and/or local preparedness sites. In some cases it's because the services described below are private sector ones that government agencies can't endorse. More likely, most government agencies are clueless that these services exist.

So here are ten 21st century disaster and preparedness tips from Stephenson Strategies that you won't see on the official lists of things to do to prepare for a disaster or terrorist attack, but that you and your neighbors should implement NOW, so that you'll be prepared to act intelligently and calmly if you find yourselves on your own.'

Read list here - informative - yet these strategies often include registering with services that require you giving away your information - another issue of concern.

Via Smartmobs

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