Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Aviopolis is both a book about airports and a project about these 'cities of the future'. Artists Ross Harley and Gillian Fuller have photographed, videoed, and crafted text around the airport - their site Aviopolis is a recommended must see.

Aviopolis states that: 'Airports are cities of mobility. Their citizens are passengers who form a migratory population that must negotiate an infrastructure that is perpetually upgrading. The contemporary airport offers "laboratory conditions" to analyse the global interconnections of life in the information age.

Aviopolis is the first book-length critical study of how information, architecture, people and machines are converging into a new urban form dominated by logistics. The project presents a unique approach to the study of airports, blending cutting-edge cultural analysis with rich visual material. It will be of interest to all those concerned with current debates on globalisation, urbanism, information, architecture and the politics of mobility.'

See also Gillian Fuller's work on 'The Queue Project'

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