Friday, October 28, 2005

Vehicles with a Sixth Sense

General Motors Develops Vehicles with a Sixth Sense: here's the latest auto-mobility news -

New Technology Helps Drivers "Watch Out" for the Other Guy

"What if your car had a sixth sense that could “see” the traffic you couldn’t or didn’t notice, and, if need be, stopped your vehicle to prevent a collision?

Today, General Motors Corp. demonstrated a fleet of cars that do in fact have a sixth sense. Using vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication, a vehicle can detect the position and movement of other vehicles up to a quarter of a mile away. In a world where vehicles are equipped with a simple antenna, a computer chip and GPS (Global Positioning System) technology your car will know where the other vehicles are, additionally other vehicles will know where you are too -- whether it is in blind spots, stopped ahead on the highway but hidden from view, around a blind corner or blocked by other vehicles.

The vehicles can anticipate and react to changing driving situations and then instantly warn the drivers with chimes, visual icons and seat vibrations. If the driver doesn’t respond to the alerts, the car can bring itself to a safe stop, avoiding a collision."

Read full post here

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