Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Mobile phones tracking nightlife activity

Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends reports that a phone software called 'Citysense' shows you whats happening in your town:

A Columbia University computer science professor has co-founded a New York-based company named Sense Networks to sell tracking software to other companies. It is also distributing a free version of this software named Citysense, which shows on your cell phone where the wild things are happening in your own town. Citysense 'uses advanced machine learning techniques to number crunch vast amounts of data emanating from thousands of cell-phones, GPS-equipped cabs and other data devices to paint live pictures of where people are gathering.' Citysense is available today in San Francisco before being soon deployed in Chicago and five other U.S. cities. But read more...

Citysense in San Francisco

You can see on the left how "Citysense shows the overall activity level of the city, top activity hotspots, and places with unexpectedly high activity, all in real-time." (Credit: Sense Networks) Here is a link to additional information and a larger version of this picture. As you can see, the application is available on Blackberry devices. But an iPhone version is in the works.

Read original post - 'Cell phones tracking nightlife activity'

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