Wednesday, July 02, 2008

A Display That Tracks Your Movements

It seems that there could be a revolution brewing in billboard advertising. TechReview reports that

Instead of simply presenting a static image, why not let people interact with the advertisement? This is the vision of electronics giant Samsung and interactive advertising company Reactrix Systems. The two companies have partnered to bring 57-inch interactive displays to Hilton hotel lobbies by the end of the year. These displays can "see" people standing up to 15 feet away from the screen as they wave their hands to play games, navigate menus, and use maps.

With the buzz surrounding the Wii, the iPhone, and Microsoft's Surface, "people are more open and ready to interact using their hands and gestures," says Matt Bell, chief scientist and founder of Reactrix...

...Samsung and interactive advertising company Reactrix Systems plan to bring 57-inch interactive displays to Hilton hotel lobbies by the end of the year. These displays can "see" people in 3D standing up to 15 feet away from the screen as they wave their hands to play games, navigate menus, use maps --and interact with ads.

Read original article - 'A Display That Tracks Your Movements'

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