Monday, May 07, 2007

More tracking of motorists in Britain

Yes, this subject just never seems to go seems almost inevitable that motorists in Britain will be tracked within a decade if the government goes ahead with controversial plans to manage traffic flow and introduce road fees for drivers:

The plans were unveiled in November in a report on future transportation policies designed to help cut traffic congestion. The plans prompted 1.8 million people to sign an electronic protest petition.

Monitoring would be via a combination of static cameras to capture license-plate details, electronic tags in vehicles that would be read by roadside monitoring stations and global positioning system satellites to read on-board transponders.

"You will need 10 years at a minimum for a national rollout," Phil Blyth, professor of Intelligent Transport Systems at Newcastle University, told reporters. "I do not see many other options available to us to manage our transport system."

Read in full - 'British motorists face spy-in-sky monitoring'

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