Monday, August 01, 2005

Does future prosperity mean going wireless?

Mission statement from the 'Wireless Philadelphia Executive Committee:

"Promote Open Metro-scale Wireless Connective Citywide:

Wireless Philadelphia aims to strengthen the City's economy and transform Philadelphia's neighborhoods by providing wireless internet access throughout the city. Wireless Philadelphia will work to create a digital infrastructure for open-air internet access and to help citizens, businesses, schools, and community organizations make effective use of this technology to achieve their goals while providing a greater experience for visitors to the City.

Just as in past centuries, the cities that will prosper in this new age will be those cities that embrace and invest in this new technology.Philadelphia proposes to capitalize on this potential by leading an effort to create a wireless network that will provide high-speed,broadband wireless connectivity to all points within the city."

Read their full statement page at Wireless Philadelphia Executive Committee

Via Smartmobs

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