Tuesday, February 12, 2008

2040 Mobility Scenario Development Tool

GreenCarCongress discusses how a California-based Art Center College of Design has 'released a scenario- and solution-building tool which is designed to be used in design workshops to address possible futures in the year 2040 as they relate to issues of sustainable mobility':

The tool, which is called Mobility Vision Integration Process (mVIP), is in public beta in the form of a deck of 109 cards, each representing a situation that affects the design of sustainable mobility solutions. A “hand” of eleven cards is drawn from two types of cards. One type of card establishes the design context and consists of four categories: enterprise, axiom, customer, and constraint. The other type deals with ambient trends & issues that together describe the future within which the design context is placed. There are seven categories of trends and issues: energy, economy, society, ecology, technology, policy, and wildcard.

An online version can be played at www.mobilityvip.com

Read more - '2040 Mobility Scenario Development Tool'

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