Friday, August 24, 2007

More global epidemics

Since this is a blog about 'mobilities' then it also should cover what is perhaps the most efficient mobility-vehicle on the planet - viruses!

The Guardian has recently reported how the WHO predicts more global epidemics:

A new killer disease on a par with HIV/Aids or ebola is likely to emerge in the next few years and threaten the lives of millions of people worldwide, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said today. Potentially deadly new diseases are being identified at an "unprecedented rate", with global epidemics spreading more rapidly than ever, the United Nations agency warned in its annual world health report.

At least one new disease has been identified every year since the 1970s. Today, there are 39 that were unknown just over a generation ago.

Read in full - 'WHO predicts more global epidemics'


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